E X I T .


All photos from the http://lovatron.wordpress.com/  (and sexy song, right?)

A must-see.


You guys will have to see this film. Saw it some time ago, but just saw the trailer again… and MH! So romantic that it hurts. Both when it’s good and when it’s bad. Ryan Gosling is a darling, a sweetheart and extremely hot. Some would call it a “chickflick” – I would call it a movie for everybody who have just a little romantic inside of them. But be prepared – it is not a feel good movie. It is pretty depressing actually. But do watch it!! Enjoy. Bye. (photos from the movie.)

Was that it ?!


So apparently summer decided to be over before it even started properly. Bullshit! Useless. We – here in this cold northern country – we need our summer to get trough 8 months of fucking freezing winter. Last year I took off in start January… this year I’ll have to work. I do NOT know how the fuck I am going to survive. Blarh. I just have to save up money so I can avoid the next winter. Bye for now (summer).

You always want what you can’t get. Haha. When I was in India I missed the secure Copenhagen that I know so well, my friends and my family. Now I am back here – and enjoying it very much, but lately I have missed traveling, experiencing, meeting new people and all that kind of stuff. It’s weird. I liked to travel in India, but I would probably chose another destination next time. Not really sure where. Another place in Asia or in South America. I also want to travel around Europe… And New York… and the rest of the states. Haha. I want to see it all!

All photos from my Olympus camera. I used to listen to the song you can hear underneath whenever I felt down. I imagined that that was how the people back home felt. Haha! I wish.


It’s not that the things that I wrote about in the last post are not happening – it’s me who are the most fucking lazy person alive – and when I first start being lazy I get angry at myself and after that I start feeling sorry for myself and then I am a lost cost. Then I get nothing done – I don’t even pull myself together to get out at hang with my friends, or other things that I know makes me happy. Yadayadayada – See now I’m doing it again. Feeling sorry for myself! Haha. Well yeah. I know that I don’t have anything to complain about – but I am anyways… complaining about myself. I really hope I can pull myself together, do the stuff I have to do so that I can stop the self-pity and go out and have fun with my friends. THAT is the plan. Yes. Bye.

Ph1: by Henrik Bülow. Ph2 By my photobooth. And just to keep the depressed style in this post – the song underneath. But though it is depressing it is still one of my favorite tracks ever.

… I got a fulltimejob… from the 24th of August. So that’s cool. Only problem is that my first salary is 1st og October and I’m broke now.. That’s in two months !! But I am looking forward to get money every month in a long time… Shop good, eat good, get drunk good.

Also in my editing “career” things are happening, and that is really awesome aswell. It’s  still all a little unsure and hard to explain, so I will spare you from that for now.

But with all this happening, I must admit = it stresses me out a little. The last year I have just been free to do whatever – whenever. I have traveled, and other than that I have spent time with my friends, slept in and partied. Of course I know that this lifestyle could not continue forever, and I know that I in many ways look forward to an everyday life routine again… But it will be hard. It’s hard giving up so much freedom. I like my freedom. On the other hand… now I will get the money to do stuff I never could before… And that’s a kind of freedom as well, right?

The last month has been awesome – I have enjoyed my freedom like the expert I am on that field. Roskilde Festival, family time, friend time, Copenhagen time,  Sweden time, summer time, good time! Another good summer is coming to an end – fall (and my birthday) is on the way… Now I have to get back to my current editing project. So long.

ph1 is unknown, ph2 is of me by my friend Kristoffer in Stockholm and the song underneath is wonderful. Listened to it all the time when I was in India.

Had the most amazing day in the sun with my friends. Really I should have been working (editing) but couldn’t resist the temptation of the combination of sun, water, ice cream, barbecue and such good company. I simply had one of those days that remind you how awesome life is, how wonderful your friends are and how much you love Copenhagen.

Both photos by my iPhone. :) Ph2 is a house-raft that two of my friends built the past month. So fucking awesome!! The song underneath is the perfect tune for summertime. Mmh.

Ph1 from Lovatron, Ph2 unknown. The groovy song with the dope video I found on Ansiktsburk.

When editing film all day long like I am these days you get a little crazy! And you have to look at other films from the “genre” (fashion) for inspiration. I’m not an expert on the field (yet). But there are some beautiful ones – this one for YSL … love it. Hm hm. Back to work.